Exhibition at Le Bel Utile gallery in Castelnau Montratier – France – until 03-31-2022

Exhibition at Le Bel Utile gallery in Castelnau Montratier - France - until 03-31-2022 - Eric Faure

Find a selection of my creations at the Le Bel Utile gallery in Castelnau Montratier until March 31, 2022 among those of Florence Racine.

Exhibition at Le Bel Utile gallery in Castelnau Montratier - France - until 03-31-2022 - Eric FaureThe association Le Bel Utile aims to represent and promote professional creative artists in the arts and crafts and to organize events for the promotion of arts and crafts. In her gallery, 21 place Gambetta in Castelnau Montratier (in the Lot in France), Florence Racine receives creative artists, mainly ceramists and she also organizes open-air exhibitions during the three summer months – Chemin des Arts’cades.


Florence Racine
Pottery – Ceramics
Le Bel Utile®
21 place Gambetta
Gallery: 05 65 21 89 12
workshop: 05 65 22 28 55

Website : lebelutile-poterie-ceramique.jimdofree.com

Situation et Itinéraire


Until December 13: open Friday – Saturday – Sunday mornings
10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

from December 14 to 24, 2021 open every day
10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Sunday morning weekly market

Outside opening hours you can call the workshop:
05 65 22 28 55